  • Clinica Medical Center
    100 Employee

Surgeries and endoscopy of the nose, ear, throat, base of the skull, balance, hearing and speech disorders
Clinica Center for surgeries and endoscopy of the nose, ear, throat, base of the skull, and diseases of balance, hearing, and speech.
We have the latest equipment and technologies in the field of medicine and surgery. In addition to an elite group of distinguished doctors in the field of ear, nose, throat, audiology, and speech-language pathology, there are also clinics in each of the previous specialties that are fully equipped to keep pace with the scientific progress witnessed in the fields of medicine globally, as they include nasal endoscopy devices. And ear, throat, and a device to measure hearing, ear pressure, and balance. There is also a private clinic for speech, treating difficulty swallowing, and performing intelligence tests. There is also an operations department

It is equipped with the latest sterilization devices and modern medical equipment, which allows us to perform the most accurate operations. There is also an internal department to receive patients after operations, between rooms for children and adults.


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